Ecology and Evolution, OIST

1919-1 Tancha, Onna-son

904-0494, Okinawa, Japan

Hi and thank you for stopping by my personal webpage. I am an evolutionary biologist and a island-hopper, born and raised in the Reunion Island paradise and now living in the beautiful Okinawa in Japan.

Growing up in a hotspot of biodiversity, I was fascinated early on by biodiversity and specifically by the genetic mechanisms underlying diversification. I enjoy using population genetics to play the role of a scientist-detective, retracing the abiotic and human-induced processes that shaped the divergence and evolution among populations and between species.

As an entomologist enthusiast, I studied the biogeography of Apis mellifera honey bees in the Indian Ocean islands during my Ph.D at the UMR-PVBMT of University of Reunion Island using 'old-fashioned' techniques like SSRs and mtDNA markers. Since 2016, I joined Sasha Mikheyev's lab at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) as a postdoc. Thanks to the exciting possibilities offered by next-generation sequencing of whole-genomes and bioinformatics, I am investigating the evolutionary mechanims and demographic history behind the worldwide invasive success of the tiny Varroa honey bee parasitic mite.

Aside to do Science, I enjoy living my otaku life in the Pokemon land and do group workout as a licenced STRONG Nation™ instructor.